I'm going to attempt to write about 1 thing I am thankful for every day in November, in the spirit of Thanksgiving.
1. I am thankful for my family - both immediate and extended. I am grateful for each and every one and their unique ways!
2. I am thankful for cuddle time with my children tonight while we watched a movie. I love who they are becoming!
3. I am thankful for sweet rest, and for the feeling of accomplishment after checking quite a few things off on my "to do" list. Also for doctors and homeschool curriculum suppliers who allow God to bless me through them by giving discounts to missionaries.
4. I am thankful for my parents. My mom & dad have been an encouragement to me my whole life, making me believe I could accomplish whatever I set my mind to. My mom is still the one who believes I can do it all! I love you, Mommy!
5. I am thankful for Christ, His mercy and grace. I love that His mercies are new every morning, and that it's all about what He's done and who He is, not about who I am. "How refreshing to know You don't need me. How amazing to find that You want me."
6. I am thankful for my husband of 18 1/2 years! Brad is an amazing husband and father, and I am looking forward to growing old with him.
7. I am thankful for God's provision for all my needs, and that He even goes above and beyond and gives me many of my wants, as well!
8. Today I am thankful for God's forgiveness. I am thankful that a God who knows the depths of my heart still loves me.
Psalm 103:11-12
For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
So great is His lovingkindness toward those who fear Him.
As far as the east is from the west,
So far has He removed our transgressions from us.
9. I am thankful that it snowed while we were in the US! It made me feel like a little girl that got just what she wanted from her Daddy. Thank you, Abba Father, for Your simple yet amazing gifts!
10. I am thankful for the opportunity to be a part of what God is doing in the lives of South African youth.
11. I am thankful for the ministry of Bobby Francis and Dave Weir, and for a new believer that is special to me!
12. I am thankful for my fuzzy brown "bear" socks given to me by my friend Jess Case! I love them, and I love you!
13. I am so thankful for the reminder tonight that my God is that same God of David. The same God who has provided all my needs in the past is the same God who will continue to do so in AMAZING ways in the future. I am so excited to be along for the adventure!
1 Samuel 17:37 And David said, “The LORD who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.”
14. I am thankful for an amazingly supportive home church and especially for our Serving As Senders team! You are all such an encouragement to us!
15. I am thankful for the chocolate scented Hershey pen from my friend Ella.
16. I am thankful for the opportunity to spend a long layover in Switzerland next week to visit my friend Marianne!
17. I am thankful for the van that was donated to us from Ada Bible Church in Michigan! Thank you for allowing God to bless us through you!
18. I am thankful for an unexpected check in the mail!!!
19. I am thankful to have my Mom's wedding ring. It makes me feel close to her when I wear it.
20. I am thankful for an early birthday present from Jane Stahl - an ice cream cake! :)
21. I am thankful for dinner out with friends!
22. I am thankful for a buyer for our van!
23. I am thankful for my husband's family and their love for our children.
24. I am thankful that my children were spoiled today with gifts from their Uncles.
25. I am thankful for an amazing time in Switzerland, including trips to Pilatus and Bern, and having Swiss food like Raclette, Swiss fondue, Berliners, and more! But even more thankful for the time together with forever heart friends.
26. I am thankful for our South African home church. We received such a warm welcome home from them and had an amazing time of worship together this morning!
27. I am thankful for a Pastor who preaches the whole Word of God.
28. I am thankful for the reminder to find new ways that I can show love to the body of Christ.
29. I am thankful that I can sleep in my own bed again!
30. I am thankful for the warm welcome from our friends at the airport.